søndag den 7. juni 2020

Fix Apple Watch stuck on updating while pairing with iPhone (7/6/2020)

Fix Apple Watch stuck on update while pairing with iPhone (7/6/2020)
My watch has been stuck for about a week on updating the watch while pairing it and then not moving on (either stuck on "software is ajour" or saying "update couldn't be installed due to no internet" even though there was internet access).

What fixed it for me: Deleted the Apple Watch app from my iPhone and tried again.

What Apple said on the phone: Try to let the watch run completely out of power. Apple's engineers are working on it and several people have called about the issue.

What devices I have: Apple Watch Series 2 and iPhone SE (2020). I used to have iPhone 7 for a long time.

Source: User Party_Poison
A thread similar to this issue: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250998383

lørdag den 18. april 2020

My Take on The 2019–20 Coronavirus Pandemic (Published 19/3/2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark)

Written on: 19th March 2020, 03.27 (Copenhagen, Denmark)

My Take on The 2019–20 Coronavirus Pandemic

Last week, we all thought everything was going to be normal, we didn’t take the global virus seriously. I saw people at university booking flights (because the tickets were so cheap) and teachers planning the next week’s curriculum. Most people thought the virus was just like a normal flu.
I saw life go on as normal, but of course with people washing their hands more and keeping a bit more distance. People said “See you next week!” and I said “Well… Maybe… I hope so!” and we said our goodbyes.
Little did we know, that was only the eerie silence before the storm.

Then, suddenly, on Wednesday evening of 11/3/2020, the prime minister of Denmark declared a shutdown of Denmark and afterwards people started hoarding food, sanitizing equipment and toilet paper. It was hard to realize what was happening, it felt like a movie. Still does.

I was planning on going to school, to work and taking my driver’s license test – it has all been cancelled/rethought/postponed.
My brother is working in the hospital and so is my mom’s boyfriend – I can’t believe how brave these people are in the midst of all this. Doctors will have to make some hardcore judgements in the next months.
Entire countries are on lockdown and halting business. Closing their borders. All events are cancelled and so is work, school and social events. Stock market is plummeting and we will probably have a recession. It’s like a patient on life support and we’re just getting started, two weeks behind Italy.

New York Times has written that “...as of Tuesday evening, at least 7,866 people have died, more than half of them outside mainland China… infected people have been detected in at least 142 countries” and on 13/3/2020 WHO announced that Europe had become the new epicentre. Thanks to the heroic Dr. Li Wenliang, Fang Bin and Chen Qiushi for discussing the virus and warning the public about the communist party’s violent censorship (and then tragically dying and/or going missing).

We have seen the virus overwhelm the healthcare system greatly in other countries like China, Italy, Iran, France, USA, Austria and it’s probably only gonna get worse.
What many people fail to understand is 1) You can have the virus without having symptoms, 2) It is very easy to spread and catch the virus and 3) The healthcare system does not have enough equipment, beds or staff if many people suddenly start getting seriously ill.
I heard that Denmark only has like 1000 respirators in total, which is not enough, and I feel scared for the future, though I am not yet panicking. I’m trying to adjust to this new state in our dimension. Seems like this large scale containment has never been tried before.

I look at people with great contempt when they go out to party, socialize, date, chill, act unhygienic etc. because they could be seriously harming others without realizing it – just because you can’t see the consequences immediately doesn't mean you’re not a catalyst.
We are all potential vessels for killing our sick and our elderly. And not only old people die, we have also seen people in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s die from this virus.
That person you talked to has talked to five other people and that item you touched has been touched by dozens. It’s just like that “burned matches” image people have been sharing, it’s so easy to understand. I honestly think a police enforced curfew will be implemented because some people do not listen to science at all.

BBC did a good experiment with mobile phones and GPSes in 2018 to see how fast illnesses could spread if every person could infect 2-3 people and just travel as usual – by the third day 85% of UK was infected.
Bill Gates warned us in 2015 that the world was not ready for the next pandemic, but that we could be, if we took big precautions and combined the military with the medical and biological measures. I do not think we are ready now even though we’ve been warned many times.

I used to play the game Plague Inc for years and was stunned by how quickly it spread and how realistic the outcomes were (curfews being implemented, airlines and harbours shutting down, economic market collapsing, politicians falling ill, more money given to research etc.) – I never thought I was going to live in such a scenario. It feels dream-like and very brutal and honest. I also saw this in the movies Contagion (2011) and Outbreak (1995) which fucked me up.

Material things are fragile. Societal constructs are fragile. World economy is fragile. When shit hits the fan, people are not so kind, rational and civilized anymore.
Also interesting to see the world act like introverts. What if the world was like this?
No need for anything, no buildings, no entertainment, no social life, nothing to buy or sell… Really scary to see, it looks like a Chernobyl ghost town. Such a strange social experiment to witness. It’s so devastating to all the business owners and to our culture.

I do think some positive outcomes could come from this, though, such as:

  • More people working from home and having less unnecessary meetings and transportation time + generally getting a smaller public sector in Denmark
  • More e-learning and web exams being had which could open up knowledge greatly (as YouTube already did many, many years ago)
  • More research being done before the next pandemic + people taking pathogens, hygiene, cooking and vaccines WAY more seriously
  • Better safety nets being implemented for privately owned businesses and companies
  • Fewer working hours and shorter workweeks in general being had, as we find out what work is not truly needed/effective, so that we can have more quality time with families and loved ones instead of working all the time
  • More research going into growing/making cheaper food and better food preservatives
  • Being less dependent on China, who has been the global production star for a long time now with terrible freedom of speech as well as human and animal rights + China banning the unhygienic wet markets (which are the culprit of several outbreaks)
  • People realizing how fragile many things and constructs are and coming together to fight one bad thing instead of fighting over politics, money, culture and religion
  • More research going into robots and AI which could help us deliver food and medicine (and maybe transport individual people too)

I do not know what started this virus, if it was nature or some sort of bioterrorism, like Bill Gates mentioned as a possibility in 2015. It doesn’t matter right now, because we still have to deal with it either way.
All I know is to keep my distance and stay home. And I think you should too, even if “the weather is nice” and your friends are bored. The bubonic plague took 200 million lives, smallpox took 56 million lives and spanish flu around 50 million lives. Daily Mail writes “Scientists say the 'scale' and 'lethality' of the coronavirus is on the scale of the H1N1 influenza strain that sparked the Spanish flu pandemic over 100 years ago”.

We need to take precautions before it’s all too late and we lose millions of lives. People have said “Acting extreme now will only be seen as inadequate later on” and Vox’ YouTube video brilliantly pointed out that “To slow the virus down, you need to act like you already have it”.
We CAN prevent some of this. Act now – stay home, stay clean and stay distant.
Thank you for your time.

lørdag den 1. februar 2020

Single by choice... Or simply by disinterest and busyness? A deeper look from an attractive young woman's perspective


Hi everyone

People have often asked me why I am single or haven't had many partners, usually with a compliment like "you're such a pretty, nice gal, how come you're not taken?!" so here I am, trying to figure it out for you guys, and perhaps a bit for myself too. It has never been an active choice for me; I wasn't interested in relationships to begin with. This is an objective, deeper look at my reasons.

Table of Contents:
  1. Lifestyle and personality reasons
  2. Intimacy and trust reasons
  3. Time investment reasons
  4. Pregnancy and STD reasons
  5. Violence and murder reasons 
  6. Philosophical, biological and societal reasons

1) Lifestyle and personality reasons
All my life I have enjoyed being alone and doing things by myself, even if it benefitted others.

If you look at old pictures and videos of me, I was always doing a small project or making toys all on my own. It has always been normal for me to live a solitary lifestyle. I have a quite small apartment where I do the things I enjoy; music, relaxing, studying etc. and I also have a single bed.

If I were to "diagnose" myself, I would definitely say Schizoid Personality with a hint of Aspergers and Asexuality, maybe. I don't know, I don't really care or define myself by this.

Every time I’ve tried being with someone in a relationship, I’ve always gotten mentally worn out or annoyed by the end of two weeks, like I wasn’t doing what was right for me.

Most of the times I’ve tried being with someone was due to societal pressures to “try it” or “find someone and live a normal life”, not because I felt anything special or romantic. It was always like a thing people bothered me with, so sometimes I tried it for the sake of it.

I also am quite an eccentric person and I have standards which I would want my partner to meet, for example:
1) Be for individual liberties 2) Be very futuristic, rational, creative and logical 3) Be against organized religion 4) Be against monarchy 5) Be ambitious and determined 6) Maybe like some of the music, shows and movies that I like. These things are all connected to my core values (except number 6) and I hold them dearly and do not wish to settle for someone who doesn't have these values.

Freedom and indepence mean so much to me. I don't have an issue with cutting toxic people out of my life (after giving them room to change), because I do not want to waste my time and life on such nonsense.

Freedom and independence are priceless.

Women also generally tend to favor more "dominant" men in their lives, while I would like someone who is my equal, both in spirit, in job and in physique, possibly.

My blood got tested for testosterone and androgens, and the result is that I have PCO and have more “masculine traits” than other women, for example, my very wide shoulders and intimidating/aggressive behavior.

I like people who lead interesting lives and do larger than life things. I tried Tinder and OkCupid once, but found that most people are not compatible with me and they also mostly want hookups (unprotected many times, even). I do not judge these people, but it's just not for me.

2) Intimacy and trust reasons
I find it hard to open up to people because 1) I don’t feel like it’s their business and 2) I have had some bad experiences with information being used against me later on.

It doesn’t feel right for me to share too much, it feels like a cheesy movie or something like that. Like a bad script, it just doesn’t feel real. It feels like something that I should do because every one else does it.

It’s very staged and painfully awkward, especially in Danish, since I express myself so much better and more naturally in English. This could be due to growing up “online” and with international people, which has led to an alienation of language, culture and feelings in Denmark.

Cher interview, 1996
3) Time investment reasons
Time is very important to me and I always try to make the most of my time worthwhile. I don’t like wasting time or being unproductive, because there’s always something to do or learn and I’m never bored.

I feel like it’s arrogant to be bored because there’s so much knowledge to explore, especially online. Imagine if these “bored” people were living 100 years ago? Or even 1000? Would they bored too?

Anyway, some things are a big investment in time. Watching movies is also something I’ve not done too much, simply because I didn’t feel like it was worth the time + you have to be passive during a movie (it’s not very interactive).

For the same reasons, a relationship is very time consuming and break up/divorce rates are very high. Almost every couple I’ve ever met has split up. I am almost 25 years old and have met like 4-5 couples who are not divorced (mostly immigrant couples). It feels like it’s an activity with bad odds to even begin with; AKA a possible waste of time and effort. It’s like a lottery with a low chance of winning.

I am also doing a lot of projects, which leads to less free time. Here are some things I am doing:
  • Studying law (masters level) 
  • Working a paid job 
  • Working a voluntary unpaid job (Friday nights) 
  • Making music in free time and sometimes getting paid for it 
  • Doing modelling in free time 
  • Going to political and legal events and party discussions 
  • Finished Cepos Akademi and applied for Justitia Akademi 
  • Helping friends/family with legal issues and cases 
  • Renovating bathroom/apartment soon 
  • Working on drivers license 
  • Running 3 blogs and a YouTube channel 
  • Trying to find a cure for ear issue 
  • Having a sweet cat and taking care of it 
  • Having plants that I like to take care of 
  • Sewing/fixing stuff sometimes 
  • Trying to eat healthier and make better food 
  • Cleaning apartments and selling loads of old stuff/buying new stuff 
This doesn’t allow too much free time, which I why I prefer to relax alone, often.

Nicki Minaj AIDS tweet: https://twitter.com/nickiminaj/status/6248017667?lang=da
4) Pregnancy and STD reasons
Since I was a teenager I have been very paranoid about pregnancies and STD/STI’s – especially the ones that are life threatening.

I always thought it would be sensible for people to be tested for diseases and take birth control before any sexual encounters, but I have been very wrong and people do a lot of risky crazy stuff just to get some minutes or hours of pleasure. That potential risk is way too high compared to the reward, so I’m not participating in that lifestyle.

I also know quite a few people who’ve had abortions and I just don’t want to ever get to such a stage in my life, it really scares me. I don’t like the thought of being pregnant, whether I would want the child or not, it creeps me out and makes me sick. I know that this is not normal, but this is just my honest opinion. I do believe that humans will transition to artificial wombs someday.

Source: http://www.euro.who.int/en/about-us/governance/regional-committee-for-europe/past-sessions/64th-session/multimedia/infographics/infographic-stop-violence-against-women-download

5) Violence and murder reasons
Because women are usually shorter, thinner and weaker than men, we take a higher risk if we go home with someone on the first or second date.
Even if I would like to go home with someone, my mind tells me not to, if I do not know the person or if none of my friends/relatives know that person.

The playing field is skewed both ways; men have more opportunity to hurt physically while women have more opportunity to hurt legally/socially.

Elia Colombo illustration

6) Philosophical, biological and societal reasons
This is about the meaning of life and existentialism vs the expectations from family and society...

Should we date people? What is true love? What are gender roles? Should we marry people? Should we reproduce? How do you best raise a human person?
Do you get bored with your partner? Is marriage necessary these days? Can you be happy by yourself? Do people only like me for my looks?
What fulfills a person in life? And why should it be same thing that fulfills other people? Does it matter in the end?

No one can force you to live a standard life, but the societal pressure sure is strong, even though these times are probably the best in terms of individual freedom.

I think it’s weird how people expect you to have children, even when it should be none of their business. And parents gave you life, without you consenting to it, and expect you to have kids to pass the genes on and to have something to look forward to, which is very understandable. Biologically, of course it makes sense to date, marry and have kids.

But I don’t think parents should feel entitled to this. I think we all make our own life paths and form our own happiness, and I do in fact know a lot of childfree/childless people who live very happy, fulfilling and productive lives. I also don't see why marriage/weddings/diamonds are still a thing or why marriages are treated better by the law.

I am not sure whether or not I want kids, but I do want to freeze my eggs down in case I change my mind/find someone compatible later in life. Due to education and work, this period of time gets longer and longer and it doesn't match our biology, which is why I'm hoping for artificial wombs soon.

Thanks for reading! These are purely my sentiments at the current time (and most of my life so far).
It may change, it may not. I do not have all the answers. I am just here, thinking.

mandag den 6. januar 2020

Year 2019 Recap: Vici's Busy, Burnout Year + Thoughts on Happiness and Danish Society

Image source: https://blog.trello.com/job-burnout-how-to-fix-the-aftermath-of-an-overachiever-attitude

Hi everyone. 

It's 04:41 AM here, just thought I would write down some thoughts here, predominantly for myself to get a better overview in my head. Last time I wrote a personal blogpost was a long time ago. Yesterday I came home at 08 AM from a political/chill party and later watched The Joker with my family, which was great. Anyway.

This blog is aimed at no one in particular. I made a vlog about this post, because I accidentally closed my browser window while typing, and I lost everything. I was really pissed at myself and it was like 03-04 AM, which ruined the next day a bit tbh. 
I worked long on that blogpost, but I have made this shorter one, instead of what I had planned. I can't turn back time; I must learn from my mistakes.

Here's the corresponding YouTube vlog:

This year has been many things; I was initially planning on having a more relaxed year (which is why I took less courses), but that certainly didn't happen.

Here's what I have used time on in 2019:
  • Civil procedure law course and exam
  • Trying for a driver's license 
  • Getting an unpaid job
  • Getting a paid job
  • Cepos Academy 
  • Extended taxation law course and exam
  • A little modeling and music in my free time
  • Feature on my friend's song
  • Helping my mom with new laptop, phone and iPad 
  • Helping with bathroom renovation plans, research and designs 
  • Getting a cat???
  • Applying for Justitia Academy 
  • Helping mom plan citizenship test

Civil procedure law course and exam went OK. I got an alright, above passing grade. I didn't care much for the course, but I see it as necessary to have. It's not very exciting and reminded me of General Administrative Law, which I had many years ago. It's all about dates and deadlines. It's very dusty.

Driver's license probably shocked me and fucked me the most over. 
First of all, in Denmark it is waaaay to expensive to take. It's understandable, since Denmark hates cars and try to make people not want to buy any cars, use any cars or park any cars, ever. 
Second of all, the tests are silly and written in "weird old danish" and not very logical to understand – it's something you just have to memorize to pass, even if the answers do not seem like something a normal person would answer.
Third of all, I feel like my first driving school fucked me over and deliberately stalled me for as long as possible, without letting me progress at all. I don't feel like I learned much and I almost paid 9.000 DKK extra for my license, which really made me mad/disappointed. 
My new driving school is better and let me progress very quickly. 

Cepos Academy was really fun and I learned a lot. 
Met many like minded people and used 8 days in total for discussions about politics, economy, philosophy, morals and the likes. We discussed for hours and heard about different viewpoints on important subject matters.
One downside was that the rooms were way too cold and many students complained about this (esp. the girls, lol). Other than that I'm happy I got in and it was a nice break from extended tax law, which as a course just makes me so sad. 

Extended taxation law course and exam did not go over well. The course felt very long, even though we had a great, charismatic teacher. I got sad whenever I real about taxation and felt that the book was shitty and way too long and didn't get to the point. The shorter compendium was much more useful to me. 
In the exam I blacked out and forgot everything. I hate exams and get really really really anxious. I can't sleep for days, I get bad skin, I get bad stomach, I get headaches... I feel like dying.
I am disappointed in myself because I studied really well and felt like I didn't deserve to go out and have fun with my friends. I hated myself after that exam, so much. I'll try better next time. I generally have a bad time with exams.

Getting a cat as a gift from my dad. It really shocked me when I got it, but as my dad has taught me, sometimes I can be too perfectionistic and not spontaneous enough. The cat is female and she's a delight with a quirky personality. I named her Laika, after the first living being in orbit (the Russian dog Laika, which ironically means "the barker" or something like that).
For Christmas  I didn’t really wish for anything material, I wished for time, stability, health, security and passing exams... which no human can buy. 
Here you can see our Christmas tree and me on Christmas Eve: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rp14RhXhX/

I am thankful for, in general:

  • That I didn't get thrown out of uni 
  • That mom is happy and has a sweet boyfriend
  • That brother is loving his job and progressing
  • That dad is doing OK and living as he pleases
  • That I am physically healthy, have a roof over me, have food, clothes and devices
  • That I am slowly but surely moving on with my degree 
  • That I have a family – brings tears to my eyes to know how much they've done for me, I feel like I wasn't thankful for this when I was a tween/teenager 
  • That I can enjoy music, art, fashion and shows
  • That I got the two jobs and am getting experience and a salary 
  • That I have privacy and freedom of expression (which you only really appreciate when it's gone)

Adult life + Danish worldview

People always told me that "When you are young and in school it's the best time of your life". Sadly, I don't see that as being the case.
I should be happy to live in Denmark and having a good degree and a nice family, but I just sense that life could be more, better and more efficient. 
I am always thinking about the future and what will come next. 

In my country I feel like a cog in a wheel. A huge wheel that is only based on taxing the shit out of everyone and making everyone as equal/mediocre as possible. I think this is scaring the entrepreneurs and visionaries away.

Life in Denmark isn't 100% fulfilling for me.
Danish people are usually very different from other nationalities and this is also why dating Danish guys hasn't "clicked" for me. I tend to think very deeply about everything and I have visions for the future. I don't want to be passive and follow rules mindlessly. 
As I said in my YouTube video, a dictator could easily overtake the Danish people; it's a very non-confrontational people and tend to protest behind people's backs rather than say it directly to the person in question's face.

"According to Maslow, we have five categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. In this theory, higher needs in the hierarchy begin to emerge when people feel they have sufficiently satisfied the previous need."

As we see in Maslow's pyramid of needs; Self-actualization is the thing I feel like I am missing from interactions with Denmark and Danish people. They do many things greatly, but I wish they would protest more.

Image source: https://www.thoughtco.com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-4582571

Maybe it has some roots in the "Jantelov" (Law of Jante):


Image source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/256283035029820667/

Things in Denmark that would personally make me happier:

  • Remove the blasphemy law
  • Make beastiality sex illegal
  • Separate church and state more
  • Lower taxes
  • Encourage people to think for themselves/protest more
  • Make circumcision illegal 
  • Remove monarchy and add republic with direct democracy 
  • Cheaper cars and public transportation
  • Change building laws and thereby lower rent
  • Make more factories, produce more stuff locally
  • Do so there's less calcium in water 
  • More protection of and rewarding of whistleblowing 
  • Remove many laws/make laws simpler to understand
  • Maybe make a 3-4 days workweek (more freetime)
  • Maybe pay workers "pr. job" instead of "pr. hour" (more efficient working)

If you read this blog and/or watched my vlog, I hope you found it interesting. Feel free to comment your thoughts below. 

Thank you.
– Victoria

onsdag den 23. oktober 2019

Fix iPhone not charging from MacBook Pro USB port + How to thin local Time Machine Snapshots to get more disc space (Terminal commands)

Fix iPhone not charging from MacBook Pro + How to thin your local Time Machine Snapshots (Terminal)

Image source: https://blog.macsales.com/39296-tech-101-introduction-to-the-macs-terminal-app-part-one/

To fix these issues put these commands into Terminal:

Fix iPhone won't charge from my MacBook Pro USB port: sudo killall -STOP -c usbd

Source: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/309143/how-to-thin-your-local-time-machine-snapshots-on-macos-high-sierra

Thin local Time Machine Snapshots (get more disc space): tmutil thinlocalsnapshots / 999999999999999 4

Source: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/298573/iphone-7-wont-charge-from-my-macbook-pro and Apple Support over the phone (Denmark, Copenhagen, 21/10/2019 15:29, thanks to "Bjørn")

Disclaimer: This is merely a guideline and I am not responsible for any errors or malfunctions that might occur. I'm just sharing what worked for me, personally.

lørdag den 19. oktober 2019

New Balance Boston Mass 02134: Smaller than other models in the SAME size?!

Example images. Source: http://mabauto.es
Source: https://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneakers/new-balance-990-30th-anniversary/

New Balance Boston Mass 02134: Smaller than other models in the SAME size?!

I'm a fan of New Balance shoes, but a strange thing I've noticed is that the size 39,5 (24,5 cm) is different based on where the shoe is made (apparently). 

The models U420UKN (blue/white) and U420SNP (purple/white) (both Boston Mass 02134) are both significantly smaller than other shoes in the same size and same model (but made in another area).

Please let me know the reason for this, if you have a clue.
I thought a centimeter was the same, no matter where you were in the world? :)

– Victoria


tirsdag den 30. juli 2019

Klage over kørelærer/køreskole: Links 2019

Klage over kørelærer/køreskole: Links 2019

https://ankesag.dk Ankenævn for Køreundervisning
63 33 10 59 – mandag til fredag kl. 10-12 (fra 5/8/19)

https://www.forbrug.dk Forbrugerstyrelsen https://www.forbrug.dk/raad-og-rettigheder/biler-og-cykler/koerekort/

--- > Nævnenes Hus

https://taenk.dk Forbrugerrådet TÆNK

https://www.forbrugerombudsmanden.dk/kontakt/kontaktoplysninger/ Forbrugerombudsmanden 

https://www.dku.dk Dansk Kørelærer-Union

http://www.dkl.nu ​DKL (Danske Kørelæreres Landsforbund)



Evt. datatilsynet:

Borgergade 28, 5.
1300 København K
Tlf. 33 19 32 00



Hvis du vil klage over køreprøven, skal du klage til politidirektøren i den politikreds, hvor køreprøven er foregået. Hvis du er utilfreds med politidirektørens afgørelse, kan du anke sagen til Rigspolitichefen.

torsdag den 20. juni 2019

Fri proces: Statslig dækning af privates sagsomkostninger i civilprocesretten (2019)

Image source: Civilprocesret pensumbog og kompendium

Som svar på et spørgsmål jeg fik d. 5/3/2019:

"Hmm, det var vidst mere bare en konstatering fra min side: Mener jeg sagde at jeg godt kunne forestille mig en situation hvor jeg ville sætte pris på at en person kunne få fri process uanset deres finansielle situation. 
F.eks. hvis du fik lyst til at sagsøge en virksomhed for misbrug af personlig data og derved få dem til at rette ind efter lovgivningen. Hvis sagen var uprøvet og relevant kunne det jo komme os alle til gavn. Således ville jeg synes det var synd hvis du valgte ikke at køre sagen fordi du hellere ville bruge sagsomkostninger på f.eks. en rejse...

Jeg håber lidt det forholder sig sådan, eller at staten selv har et aparat der kører den slags sager for vores alles vedkommende. Hvis du vil formulerer det som et spørgsmål, kunne det måske være om det er tilfældet, og som bonus hvorfor det gør/ikke gør..."

mandag den 18. marts 2019

Polish genes connected to Mongol-Tatar and other Asian genes?

Hi everyone 

A historical gene question here.
I’ve always wondered if there is a link between Polish genes and Asian genes or perhaps Finnish genes and Asian genes (unrelated to my story; just because I’ve also heard that Finnish people have such eyes). 

My brother and I were both born in Denmark to Polish parents (Warszawa and Jarosław), and my brother has very mono eyelid/epicanthic fold eyes, which sparked a discussion in my family as to if that could be related to the several Mongol-Tatar invasions of Poland during the 1200’s.

Just a small curiosity.

Thank you for your time 💡👍🏻

Photo of various epicanthic folds: http://imgur.com/oeEqo6s

mandag den 21. januar 2019

SKR-eksamen på jura: Jeg vandt og blev ikke smidt ud af uni

“It doesn’t get easier; you just get better”, som de siger.
De sidste to år har været et rent helvede for mig, familiemæssigt, studiemæssigt og psykologisk. Nogle af de værste år i mit liv. Jeg var under et gigantisk pres og var ved at knække sammen. Det føltes som om tiden stod stille, mens resten af verden bare fortsatte uden mig. Mit liv og min sunde fornuft har hele tiden hængt på ét enkelt hår. Jeg har haft mange triste fysiske og mentale symptomer, som blev triggered af denne situation. Blod, sved og tårer, bogstaveligt talt, og mange mareridt.

Siden 2016 har jeg kæmpet med den samme svære eksamen (Sikkerheds- og kreditorrettigheder) og fejlet den om og om og om og om igen – lige indtil jeg reelt troede jeg skulle blive smidt ud (og skaffede nogle af bøgerne til et andet studie, fordi jeg simpelthen ikke kunne se den lykkelige slutning). Jeg troede reelt at jeg var en idiot og en “imposter” på studiet.
Denne eksamen har været min identitet i ca. to år (hvor jeg heller ikke fik SU fordi jeg ikke var studieaktiv); jeg læste pensum hele tiden, havde kun filer til dette fag på computeren, kun bogmærker og grupper til dette fag på alle mine devices. Det var alt jeg kunne – og MÅTTE – tænke på.

Folk siger at det er den sværeste bacheloreksamen på jurastudiet og jeg kender studerende som er blevet smidt ud kun pga. denne ene eksamen. Mange sagde til mig at de “ville have givet op og fundet noget andet”, men det kunne jeg ikke få mig selv til, ikke når jeg kun manglede 10 ECTS point for at blive færdig med min BA. Gang på gang fik jeg 00 og dumpede, og hver gang var det som at blive sparket når man allerede er nede på jorden med tårer og blod overalt.

Billedet er taget efter min sidste bacheloreksamen, hvor jeg takket være en masse folk (og noget medicin) for første gang følte mig godt forberedt og veludhvilet til en eksamen – jeg følte ikke at jeg var ved at dø, men jeg tog stadigvæk en chance, fordi jeg sagde “jeg kan ikke gøre den samme ting hele tiden, ellers bliver jeg sindssyg – det er nu eller aldrig”. Jeg kunne også have udskudt min prøve til sommeren 2019, men det tror jeg ikke jeg ville kunne have klaret mentalt.

Dagen efter eksamen fik jeg karakteren 4, som jeg troede var en tastefejl, da gennemsnittet var på 1,7. Men nej, den var god nok, og det var den ABSOLUT ENESTE ting jeg “ønskede mig” til jul. Har aldrig følt mig så lettet før; en helt sindssyg overvældende katharsis. Et 02 var guld værd for mig og jeg var derfor “over the moon” over et 4-tal (selvom det tog noget tid før jeg fattede det).
Jeg har flere folk at takke end en Oscar-vinder. Folk som har hjulpet mig forstå faget bedre, hjulpet mig skrive dispensationsansøgninger og klager, støttet mig mht. angst-tips og medicin, støttet mig med kærlighed og humor, været realistiske over for mig og meget, meget mere…

Sådan som jeg har følt det, er jeg blevet destrueret og bygget op igen – og det føles godt, til allersidst. Man bliver til Neo fra The Matrix når man har lært nye tricks og metoder… Men igennem det hele, gør det utrolig ondt og man føler sig meget sårbar og uintelligent – og det er vigtigt at få hjælpen, man har brug for. Det er OK ikke at være perfekt, selvom kun en promille på mit studie tør indrømme dette. Jeg har nok i sidste ende lært mere om mig selv, end om mit fag, efter disse to år.

Så jeg takker alle som har været der for mig, og jeg vil også hjælpe folk med at bestå denne eksamen eller komme videre i studiet – skriv til mig, hvis I har brug for råd.
Glæder mig til at komme tilbage på studiet til februar. Vi ses!

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